Monday, July 2, 2012

Towel Bar Use #1: Scarves

Welcome back from the weekend!  I spent mine painting a bathroom, and the bathroom almost won.  I will post before and after pics soon.  Today I want to show you one way you can use a towel bar to hold your accessories!

I LOVE scarves!  I'm a sucker for them!  I wear them as long as I can during the fall, winter and spring months.  I wear them even if I know they will make me hot!  My problem was where to store them so I could access them easily.  Solution?  The towel bar.  In my case, I needed three!  
I found that the towel bars that screw in through the front of the bar were the easiest to install.  I'm not that handy, so I discovered quickly that the ones that screw in from underneath were not my cup of tea.
I spaced mine out evenly down an unused wall space near my bathroom and closet.  
I tucked the top layer of scarves behind the next row.
I color coordinated my scarves so that the racks also doubled as an eye-catching wall installation.  (I may or may not be exaggerating.)
Tomorrow I'll demonstrate another fun accessory use for the towel bar!